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What to Expect:

  • For the first several days after surgery, there may be a mild amount of pain. This can be controlled with acetaminophen (Tylenol®) up to 1000mg every 6 hours as needed for pain. Do not take aspirin products, ibuprofen or naproxen for the first week after surgery.
  • Some swelling of the wound is normal and will resolve with time. Call our office if the incision swells excessively, becomes increasingly red, starts to drain, or if you experience a fever over 102.0 F.
  • If an antibiotic has been prescribed, use it as directed.
  • Apply Bacitracin® ointment to the wound 3 times a day if paper tapes are not in place.


  • For the first few nights after surgery, you should sleep with your head elevated on two to three pillows or in a reclining chair to minimize swelling.
  • If paper tapes are in place, do not remove them from the wound unless they are falling off by themselves. Your physician will remove them at the postoperative visit.
  • Keep the wound dry for 2 days, after which time you may let water run over the wound and paper tapes (if present). The paper tapes should be adherent enough not to fall off when wet.
  • There are no dietary restrictions. It is important to drink plenty of fluids, particularly water.
  • Avoid exertional activity, straining and heavy lifting for the first week after surgery.
  • Follow-up in our office for the post-operative appointment as scheduled, or please call to make this appointment.

Please call 610-374-5599 with any questions or concerns.